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Have you ever been angry when someone called you out on your sin? As a human, it is my nature to want to protect myself. If someone says I did something wrong, I want to prove that I was not wrong because I don’t want others to see me in a bad light. This is also a sin, the sin of pride. It is the sin of caring how I appear to others in such a way that it would anger me if my reputation was somehow damaged in my eyes. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, yet we strive for perfection in the eyes of others.
I invite you to read Matthew 14:1-12 along with the study.
Anger over sin.
It isn’t the desire to appear without sin that is wrong but the desire to cover up that sin in order to make one’s self appear innocent when it isn’t so. Herod’s wife Herodias was willing to go as far as to kill a man not only to cover up her sins but simply because she didn’t like the fact that he called her out on them. She schemed to get her way, pulling her own daughter into her plot and using her to get what she wanted. Not only did she sin a second time, but she also caused her daughter to sin by making her a part of it.
There are other examples in the Bible of those who tried to cover their sins, like; when King David killed Uriah to cover up his adultery with Bathsheba. Or, when Joseph’s brothers presented their father with a bloody tunic and claimed him killed in order to cover up the fact that they had sold him into slavery.
Hiding my sins under a blanket cannot make them go away. Though they are already forgiven buy the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, they still have consequences. Bearing the consequences of our sins might be a scary thing but hiding them under the cloak of more sin is not an option. Even a little lie to make my mess-up seem a little less condemning is still a sin.
Remember instead, that we are all sinners. Christ died to pay the price for our sins and we are forgiven if we lay down our lives and follow him. (Romans 10:9-10)
That doesn’t mean we will never sin again, but we will strive for a life of less sin and do our best to turn away from it. Live your life as if Jesus is always standing next to you. Make your choices as you would if He were there watching that movie or going to that place with you.
If you are confused about what is sin and what is not sin, read through the 10 Commandments. (Exodus 20)
Don’t be burdened by your past sins. Confess them to the Lord and He is faithful to forgive you, washing away the memory of your sin. (1 John 1:9)
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.”
Isaiah 1:18 NKJV
Remember that the Lord loves you, and you are not expected to be perfect. He loves you as you are, but if you also love Him, you will have a desire to change those things in your life that you believe he would not approve of.
The Snowflake
For today’s craft, I have chosen a snowflake, to remind us that we are washed from our sins. We should not be haunted by passed sins nor should we be angered if they are brought up. When you except Christ into your heart your sins are forgiven and watched as wide as the snow.
Click the link below to head to cricut for your cut pattern:
Snowflake project pattern . nn .
(scroll down for snowflake craft directions)
I use a Cricut Explore Air 2 when doing all my paper projects. This is an awesome machine and I can use my Computer, tablet, or cel phone to edits my patterns in Cricut design space and connect to my machine through bluetooth to make it all happen.
Recently, Cricut came out with the Cricut Joy which is a much smaller and more affordable cut machine. its perfect for anyone who has a small work space for crafting but still wants a cricut cut machine. Though I have not had the chance to try this machine, there are many youtube videos showing the ease and diversity of this little but mighty machine.
If you have not yet chosen the perfect machine for you, first decide what types of crafting and cutting you would like to be able to achieve. then, try watching a few different youtube videos or check out instagram IGTV for each machine before making your choice. The Cricut website has a great description of each individual machine and its capabilities.
Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions. there are many Facebook groups for Cricut lovers and they will happily share which are their favorite products and why.

for this project you will need:
4 different colors of cardstock (I chose, glitter white and light blue with a textured satin finish for my snowflake, light glitter teal for my ornament backing, and grey for my name banner.)
1 8-inch piece of ribbon
glue or double stick tape
1 fine point cricut pen 0.4 black
don't forget to place the yardstick you have chosen for your ornament backing, upside down on you cutting mat so that the printing will appear on the reverse side of the finished ornament and the glitter or fancy side will be the background for your snowflake. (be aware that you may need to clean your cut mat after using a glitter coated paper right side down on the mat.)
To check out some fun crafting supplies and more... check out Sweet'n Sassy Stamps
Happy Crafting Everyone!