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Preparing for Battle Part 3 (Shield of faith)

Writer's picture: ScriptureSparrowScriptureSparrow

“Above all, taking the shield of faith with which she will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.“ Ephesians 6:16

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Notes: 1 Corinthians 10:13 -temptation

God’s ultimate resources of power and wisdom/shield Ephesians 3:16 - 21 (strength granted through faith)

“Lord, I’m struggling today! I need you to be my shield.” I cannot count how many times these words have entered my prayers and left my lips burning with a desire to bite back the proverbial dog that bit me. Though I count myself as a strong and adaptable person, I cannot honestly say I feel equipped for every battle or strong enough to face my enemy on my own. I need God to be my shield, but I also need to hold my own shield… My faith. Whatever my battle may be today, tomorrow or next week, my faith is the shield I must keep at the ready to protect myself from the fiery darts that come flying at me.

Avoiding Fiery Darts

Though some battles stand in the open and announced their presence, some make a sneak attack from behind. Keeping my faith strong and in the word daily, will help me battle these cowardly enemies who strike at my back. Just as we are to always be ready with an answer for our faith, we must always be ready for the attacks on our faith. In those days, a shield was made of wood and metal, soaked in water to “quench the fiery darts” that hit them. We can be the same by soaking ourselves in our faith so that the lies and tricks of the enemy cannot catch us on fire.

When the fire is already burning

Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend about the rampant depression and anxiety that is flooding our society in these unprecedented times. Many of us are overwhelmed and under a level of pressure that we cannot maintain in the current state of things. This includes our children and the stress and loneliness many are being bombarded with. How can we fight this? How do we keep from succumbing to the ever-growing feeling of insanity? The answer is faith. If I want to keep a clear head and a pure heart, keeping my eyes on Jesus is the only way.

Dousing the Flames

I need to immerse myself in his word, fill my thoughts with his promises and cover myself in the faith that He has taught me, so I in turn can be the strength for my family, keeping fiery darts from setting a blaze that leads to destruction. It always amazes and humbles me when God shows me how he is working in my life. Standing back now, I can honestly say I should not have survived the past couple of years with even half of my sanity intact, but God is gracious and merciful. He fills in all my blanks, He covers all my failures, and He holds me up when my knees are ready to crumble from weakness.

Setting a Holy Fire

Even if I am still battling the darts the enemy has sent my way, I can share the Love of god and His salvation with others, hel[ing them fight off the fiery darts in their lives. Dousing the flames of destruction is only the beginning, staring a fire of love and spreading it is what comes next. It is my prayer today, that you and I would soak our shields in living water, cover our feet with the preparation of peace, and stand in righteousness as the battle begins, ready for our eyes to see the wonder of God working in our lives. Let's light afire for Jesus and choke out the flames of the enemy.



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