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How to clean the house inside my heart and let God do the decorating.


Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman in a modern world is not as complicated as it seems.

I invite you to read Proverbs 14 & 31 along with this study.

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“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” Proverbs 14:1

As women, we all want to have a pleasant and pretty home filled with the things and people we love. While this verse is not about interior decorating for your house, it is about decorating the infrastructure of your family and your heart. Knowing where your “treasures“ lie, is half the battle. (Proverbs 15:6)

How you build up your family, raise your children, love your husband, and care for your neighbors; these are the things that build the house inside your heart and make you a virtuous woman.

What is a virtuous woman?

Proverbs 31 tells us that a woman of God has many virtues.

  • She is clothed in fine linen

  • She is a gardener

  • A crafter

  • A cook

  • A tailor

It tells of all the ways she cares for her husband, her children, her neighbors, and those in need. She has many gifts and wears many coats. All that she does is for the care of others. Yet, its at the end of the list that we are told what matters most in a woman of God.

(Verse 30) >>> It's a woman who fears the Lord, that shall be praised.

Taking care of your home and family is a tough job. No one is perfect or can do it just the right way, but with God's help we can follow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman and care for those we love.

Faith in the troubled times.

By putting God at the forefront of our day and walking the path He has set for us, we can know that He is watching over us and has everything under control. So, when the soup boils over and the laundry comes out pink instead of white, don't let the enemy convince you that you are not a good wife, mother, caregiver, or proverbs 31 woman. We all make mistakes and we all have bad days.

Being a virtuous woman is about having a heart after God not perfect works of the hands. We are called to be an example to others and do our best to serve them the way Jesus did. So, build your house on the things that are pleasing to God. Seek Him and he will help you put up strong walls. It all begins with faith and we cannot have faith in a God that we do not know. So, how do we get to know him? by reading His word every day and seeking Him through prayer.

Crafting time!

With Christmas fast approaching, I decided to do a gingerbread house paper craft today in order to help us remember that the "decorations" on our house should be pleasing to God's eyes.

Gingerbread house paper craft:

Get your free cricut link

what you will need:

  • a cricut cutting machine

  • cardstock paper in brown, white, pink and yellow (or colors of your choice)

  • cricut fine point pen 0.4 black

  • fine point cutting blade

  • glue stick or double stick tape

  • (optional) ribbons, glitter, candy shaped stickers


For extra fun, I have listed all of my paper color choices below. I purchased all of these cardstock colors at my local Joann Craft Store. Feel free to check out other colors or choose your own for a more personalized look.

  • Roof top Snow - corédinations American crafts white gloves

  • Ice cycles - corédinations American crafts blue diamonds 12*12

  • Door/window - corédinations high noon

  • House frosting - corédinations light pink multidot

  • Gingerbread house (cookie) - Darice inc java bean

  • Window panes - corédinations Apple martini

1 Comment

Kingston Braxton
Kingston Braxton
May 08, 2024

The Cricut is a die-cutting machine for creating crafts of all sorts. Go to and check out the materials you can cut with your Cricut machine. For such a big investment, you cannot afford to lose your way while setting up Cricut. And that is why we have gathered the steps for you. From setting up the machine, setting up the cutting mat, cleaning the mat to downloading the design software, is the only answer.

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