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Detox toothpaste

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What you need:

  • 1/2 cup virgin unrefined coconut oil

  • 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt

  • 2tsp Calcium Carbonate

  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda

  • 1/2 tsp liquid stevia

  • 1tbsp peppermint flavor

Another day another #Homemaker project. This is the second time I’ve made this recipe though the first time I tried it with powdered Stevia as I was unable to find the liquid Stevia but today I have the correct ingredients so I’m going to try it again. The purpose behind this particular recipe was originally because we were searching out new forms of detox. Long story short, My husband has been dealing with chronic health problems for over two years now. One of the major issues we face is consistent detox. In order to prevent gum disease and tooth decay or the common #cavity, we decided to try this homemade toothpaste and oral detox. Along with a daily 20 minute oil pulling (mouth swishing of virgin organic coconut oil), the two combined should help #prevent cavities and other mouth related bacteria/infection. There are even some claims that this mixture can reverse cavities or heal cavities if used properly for an extended period of time.

Though this particular regiment is not fool proof, I do recommend a try of it if you are on the hunt for something natural, organic or do-it-yourself, that helps clean and protect your teeth long-term. So, let me walk you through the steps of this particular recipe. I did find it on Pinterest, many moons ago. Though, I do not know who the original creator of the recipe is, whoever they are, I should thank them for putting it out there. If I find that source I will gladly tag them and give the credit in this post.

So, armed with my favorite Maranatha worship album playing in the background, I went into the project ready to tackle the one major step that may be a turn off but I still recommend to try it. Setting up my grinding bowl I am about to make 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt ground from a coarse powder into a very fine powder. Be sure not to skip this step. So can actually damage your teeth since it is very coarse salt to be as fine powder as possible. This is why I would recommend buying the finest ground Himalayan salt you can find. This will cut down on the time and work put into making it into a powder.

Once you finish grinding your salt, add all the ingredients together and mix them until they become a fluffy texture. I put my mixture in a mason jar with lid and use plastic butter knives to get it out and put it on the toothbrush. You can also order a empty toothpaste container and fill it yourself for more of that actual toothpaste feel.

I toast to use a scraper attachment with my KitchenAid (Pictured above) since I didn’t feel like grinding by hand as well as whipping by hand. It’s not required to have a mixer and this entire recipe can be done by hand.

To minimize bacteria entering the jar, I placed a cup of disposable plastic butter knives next to it and use them to scoop out a small amount of the mixer for each use. you can also use popsicle sticks but they need to be thoroughly cleaned or thrown away after each use. OR the mixture can be places in an empty Toothpaste container for easy use and disposal.

I hope you try this simple recipe and let me know how it goes if you do. Share your photos and stories with me.


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